Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Emily!

I don't have it in me to post tonight, but wanted Emmy remembered.

Last year, I did better and wrote more about her-- you can read it HERE and HERE.

Thanks for those who sent kind words our way today-- and thanks, Mom and Dad, for the beautiful flowers. LOVED them.


  1. Christi--I'm SO glad you posted this. I've checked your blog numerous times today in hopes that sweet Emily would be remembered by everyone! I'm always touched deeply by that slideshow.
    I love you. I've been thinking about you all day.

  2. Blessings guys - always in our hearts.

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. Re-watched the slide show. Re-read the blog entry. Re-wiped my nose. Re-blotted my eyes. Re-remembered why I love you, Christianne.

    Praying God's tender blessing, presence and mercy would be yours today.

    Happy Birthday, Emily Anne. A life well-loved....

  4. I am sorry that I missed her b-day. It is the day before my mom's, so I usually don't forget it. I hope that your day was peaceful and filled with sweet tender moments. Love you!


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