And here the long-awaited actual PICTURES of Xander home with our family!! We don't have many (remember the camera issues) but we do have some cute ones!! This kid is so amazing. I am in awe of how well he has adjusted to our family, and everyone that is around him says the same thing. It is as if we've always had him. He was so made for us-- and we think we were made for him! He is one very happy kid, just SOAKING UP having a family. He gives me so many hugs and high fives and smiles that I can't help but be happy when I'm around him!! He is picking up English like a champ. One day, I told him, "Xander, I love you THIS MUCH!" holding my arms out wide. He got a twinkle in his eye and replied, "I love you THIS MUCH" and put his thumb and finger together to show a tiny amount. I of course tackled him with tickles, and thus began his favorite new game. He now tells me several times a day that he loves me the tiniest bit and starts to giggle and run for his life. (:
My boys!!!

The family, minus Jeremy, looking a bit frazzled after three hours of church.

This is what happens when two very girly girls are given a brother to take care of while I'm cooking...

Enjoying his sisters...

The family at Cornbelly's-- the world's best fall festival!

The kids with Thurl Bailey (former Utah Jazz player). Xander got a little freaked out by how big he was!

And, last but not least, and having nothing to do with Xander... I asked Taylor to go out and pick us some carrots from the garden. He came back with this puppy!

We all got the giggles over it!! It was a beast to peel, but tasted great! Taylor was gone when I went to take the pic, so Parker is posing with it.