You started off with a bang, when at approximately 12:01 a.m., Xander awoke sobbing in pain from apparent effects of his surgery. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Jer and I hadn’t gone to bed at approximately 12:00 a.m. Your early hours were spent comforting a crying boy, taking temperatures (of 102 degrees) and trying to sleep with my son shivering next to me. I thought surely the day would get better as we moved on. I was wrong.
A very tired mother
Dear honored birthday party guests,
I am so sorry to have canceled the party just an hour before it began. It seems the birthday boy’s health was not wanting to cooperate. I promise that pirate patches and buried treasure and yummy grub and games galore await you at a further date. I assure you that Xander did NOT want to cancel the party he has been talking about for months. He was, in fact, quite heartbroken.
The pirate party planner
Dear Herriman Family Medicine,
We LOVE LOVE LOVE you. You have seen us through ear aches and broken toes and immunizations and bronchitis and sore knees and and and… So I will not hold it against you that when I called to set up an appointment there, you insisted that I see Xander’s surgeon instead. How were you to know that I would have to rush like a mad woman to get Elli ready and on the bus, myself looking un-zombie like, and Xander dressed and fed in approximately 2.1 seconds in order to get seen by the urologist at Primary Children’s?? And how were you to know that he would take one look at X-man and tell me that I really should have his regular pediatrician look at him, because as a urologist, he “wasn’t very good with rashes.” (Which Xander had just broken out in). Thank you for squeezing me in after having made the long round trip to the hospital. Please tell my regular doctor that he is not to take a day off ever again, as I feel lost without his expertise. Please tell the doctor that filled in for him that I didn’t mean to question his diagnosis—it’s just that I can’t imagine what Xander might have had an allergic reaction to and why it would cause a fever. I will trust you and give him his steroids. Really, I will.
Dr. Mom
Dear Julianne,
I really can’t believe that I took off for the hospital and forgot all about picking Jessica up from school! I was in a panic. THANK-YOU for saving me. THANK-YOU for feeding her. THANK-YOU for telling me it was all a fun adventure for your kiddos, even if it wasn’t. I am glad to have you for a friend.
Ms. Scatterbrain
Dear Primary Children’s Medical Center,
I am beginning to know every square foot of you. I don’t think that’s a good thing. I will try to stay away.
Mom of many special kids
Dear Walgreen’s pharmacist.
Thanks for filling Xander’s prescription so quickly. His head to toe rash was really freaking him out. I thought I was so clever when I pulled forward and gave him his medicine right on the spot—you know, to give him a good head start on healing. I didn’t dream that he would proceed to throw up the second I gave it to him. Nor did I think he would throw up again five seconds later. I did get smart and hand him a paper bag after that, and it did catch the third round of puke. I felt almost proud of myself, until I went to take the bag and a hole broke through, gushing it all over my hands. And when I looked up and saw puke coming again—except this time mixed with blood and coming out his nose, I found myself becoming nauseous and held the broken bag in front of MYSELF. When I pulled back into the drive-through to refill the medicine that had been vomited, you were so kind to also supply me with an entire roll of paper towels. It was MUCH appreciated.
A girl who hates throw-up
Dear kiddos,
I am sorry that I was late picking you up from school. I’m sorry that the van reeked of throw-up. I am sorry you were embarrassed to drive your friend home. Hang in there.
Dear March,
Would you kindly decide if you are winter or spring. I don’t care either way—I ‘d just like to know so I don’t continue to send my kids to school in shorts when it snows, or in coats when it’s sunny.
“Just trying to be a good mother”

Dear House,
How did you get so messy???!!!! I meant to wake up early and get you all cleaned up for the party, but I just couldn’t pull myself out of bed after my sleepless night. I would really like to see carpet again sometime soon. Or maybe just one clean room… A counter, perhaps?? I know---maybe you could get a “self-cleaning” option, like the oven! That would be fabulous.
Dear piles of paperwork,
Where are you hiding Jeremy’s birth certificate?
Someone desperate to bring her daughter home from China
Dear Jesi,
You make me laugh.

Dear Herriman Baseball Little League,
You consume about 98% of my husband’s thoughts. Not that I’m jealous or anything…
A coach’s wife
Dear 2006 GMC 9-passenger conversion van in CA,
I want you. I don’t care that you’re not my favorite color, because you make up for it with your 26-inch tv that will surely help my sanity on those long drives with 7 kiddos. I love your luxurious leather seats. I love that you have 6 captain’s chairs. I love that your bench seat folds into a bed. I even love your price tag compared to others like you. You are stylin’! I wish I could afford you.
Someone who has spent HOURS looking for a vehicle to fit her family
Dear used, plain-old 12 passenger extended vans,
You are ugly. However, I am determined to look past that, as it’s looking like you are the best choice for our growing family. May my children have the confidence to be seen driving with me when they reach middle school.
Someone who just wanted to be cool
Dear March Madness,
My son is in love with you. I kind of like you myself.
A basketball fan
Dear Elli,
I love love love you. I love the way you sing all day. I love the way you ask for chocolate every 5 seconds. I love that you are giving “big hugs.” I love that you love squeezing my arms. I love the way you play the piano. I love how long your hair is getting. I do not love how you poke at your eyes all day. I do not love your tantrums. Maybe you could work on that???

You saved the day again!
A fan
Dear March 25, 2010,
Yes, I’m writing you again. I just wanted to say, I’ll take you! You provided me another day with the family I adore. I've been sitting here smiling as I remembered you. I’ll miss you.
Oh my goodness, I LOVE YOU!! How can I ever feel overwhelmed again when I don't even have any children...especially 7 of them...especially none that have special needs. Again I say, I love you! (And don't forget that my mom and I have volunteered to take over on a Friday night for you guys! Hopefully we can come before Chelsea's baby arrives, but we already have plans for tomorrow. I hope you feel like you can just call anytime!)
ReplyDeleteWow, and there are still 6 days left in March. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteC - if you ever have a doubt about why we love you - go read that post are really something else - a sense of humor after all of! Glad that ya'll are feeling better, I'm wondering if there were any pictures of you? I'm guessing ya'll looked pretty 'punched out' a couple days later! ;)
ReplyDeleteHugs to all you guys -
aus and co.
you write so well. I love reading about your days.
ReplyDeleteDear God,
ReplyDeleteWow. You really did know what you were doing when you blessed THIS Mommy here with seven children. Specifically, THESE seven children.
Thank you for giving her grace in heaps and a sense of humor to help her navigate the sometimes choppy waters of parenthood. You really ARE the best Father in the world!
ReplyDeletewas the medicine that Xander could not tolerate too well Orapred? it is known to be horrible (despite the grape flavoring) and the vast majority of kids cannot keep it down. My daughter (with asthma) has been prescribed this many times and cannot even stand to look at it without gagging. A better alternative for us is to get the Prednisone pills (same steroid active ingredient), to crush the prescribed pill dose between two spoons and to mix it with jam or jelly for the child to swallow in one quick gulp followed by a sweet chaser (like a piece of chocolate). if Xander still needs to take the Orapred and cannot keep it down, you might want to give this a try. Also Aveeno sells oatmeal baths that work wonders on rashes. Good luck Dr. Mom
Dear Christianne,
ReplyDeleteLoved your post. Laughing is so much better than crying! Where do you find all your energy? I'd like just a little. Let's have lunch...would it ever fit in your schedule?
An old friend.
Ditto Holly.
you need a vacation! :-)
all i can say is WOW!!!!! you are amazing. aunt debbi
ReplyDeleteChristi, You ARE going to put this all in a book sometime, right. I love you so much. Hang in there! Mom
ReplyDeleteYou should definitely write a book someday. If you would ever have the time. I laughed until I cried at your post.
ReplyDeleteHang in there.
1) Write a Book
ReplyDelete2) Publish and make millions
3) Buy the car you want
4) Hire a housekeeper
You are awesome!
I can relate in way too many ways! Love your dear posts. I am sorry about the puke. There is nothing grosser in the whole wide world. I do hope the b-day boy gets to have his party soon and that EVERYBODY is feeling better now!
ReplyDeleteWhat a day you had! I love how eloquently you give us a glimpse into your every thought. You have such an awesome sense of humor .. and even in the midst of puke and trials, have found joy .. or at least provided us some. So good to check in with you again. It has been a while! I can't believe how long Elli's hair is! WOW! P.S. your cool EVEN with a 12 passenger stripped down van. :-)