Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Wish Girl!

I've always wondered how to make curls with a flat iron. I finally asked a friend, who demonstrated on her hair, and I just had to come home and try it on Graci. Isn't she lovely?


  1. I have no idea how a flat iron could make curls, but clearly, it can! Lovely, lovely girl.

  2. Graci is just a doll - no argument from our clan (then again I've been smitten by her from the moment we met!)

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. I didn't know a flat iron made curls either.
    How do you do it?

  4. Graci, Such beautiful curls on such a beautiful girl!!! We love you so much! Congratulations on your being granted a wish. You deserve it.

  5. I am so jealous! I can't get my hair to grow that long anymore. Gorgeous!

  6. Truly lovely! I followed Graci's journey home long ago as I waited to bring home our older daughter and only recently "found" your new blog (can't even remember where I re-found it now!)...your story was such an encouragment then and continues to be. I was thinking about little miracles the other day...I had to include Graci Kate...hope it's OK that I linked to your blog. Her story continues to show His work in families who commit to the children they bring home- in the good and the rough times. God bless, Jennifer


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