Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gotta Love It!

Christi and the kids are in Ferron with her parents. I am here alone. I miss my family. Why did I not go to Ferron with them? Because the Utah State Tax Commission thought it would be in their best interest to audit my taxes from 2007. This means I have to copy every receipt from both Elli's and Graci's adoptions. I don't even know how the auditor will treat receipts from China. Most are not very professional. I spent several hours on the project today, and just finished with Elli's receipts. Tomorrow I'll tackle Graci's. I am not very enamored with my state right now. Actually, I love the state, it's the government that makes me want to cry:( Of course this was perfect timing, seeing as I don't really have very much going on over the next couple of weeks!

Hope your Saturday is more fun than mine...



  1. Wow, you couldn't ask for better timing eh? Ugh! I bet you kind of wish you house did burn down in that fire...then you'd be in Ferrin with your darlings. Good luck paper pusher!

  2. oh no!!!! that is awful!!

  3. Dude - I so feel your pain - I had an audit 'back in the day' when all I had for most of my deductions was a pocket calendar with my work shifts, Marie's work shifts, court cases, and the first name of what ever teenager covered the after school until Marie got home shift....and the auditor took one look at it and said "This is really a waste of our time - I'm good with it" and signed off on everything. Like you - I have found them to be professional and honest!

    Still - the stress and work load on you is tremendous....and it's not like there really isn't anything else happening!

    love you guys - aus and co.


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