I was fortunate enough (ha, ha) this year to have several occasions to dress up the kiddos. Before Halloween Day ever hit, we had dressed up for a family Halloween party, the school's fall festival, Make-a-Wish trick-or-treat night, mutual night, Elli's kindergarten, and dance classes. We forgot about dressing up for pack meeting, darn it. (; I think over the course of the week, we wore 26 different costumes, if I'm remembering correctly. Yikes!
Halloween night was actually quite fun. It was rainy and a bit cold, but it cleared up enough to go trick-or-treating. Our big kids decided they were indeed big this year, and opted to go with friends. Ah, the cutting of the apron strings begins. As much as I missed them, I must say it was great to just have "the littles." No worrying about our slow pace, no trying to get to as many homes as possible-- just laid back trick-or-treating. Elli was especially fun. She got the hang of it very quickly. She might be a slow learner, but not when it involves candy! She walked up to every single door (with assistance) and said "trick-or-treat." Besides her constantly trying to eat candy with wrappers on, it was a success! Xander and Jesi were so much fun to watch. They are such little buddies and everything is so exciting and adventurous to them. I love it.
We have a very fun neighborhood to trick-or-treat in. One house on our street always grills hot dogs (for parents, too!) and they were even out there in the rain with a big tarp. Another house does a spook alley in their garage, and yet another (good friends of ours) serves hot chocolate and homemade cookies. I'd say that's above average trick-or-treating!
Somehow Elli escaped getting her picture taken that night. I think maybe she wasn't ready when we were taking everyone elses? I don't remember... ): She was a very cute Rainbow Brite.
Next year we'll have EIGHT to dress up--this year will seem like a cake walk!!!!

Tennessee Fan

The Invisible Man

Xander had been several superheroes throughout the week, so I assumed that's what he'd be on Halloween. About 10 minutes before we left to go trick-or-treating, he declared he was going to be a ghost. Luckily, it was a costume I happened to have handy...

Jesi had known for months she wanted to be a "queen cheetah." I don't know where she came up with that, but it turned out cute-- and she planned her costume all by herself. (:

The clan, minus a few. Graci left to go to her friend's house before we took individual pics of her.
Happy Halloween!