Monday, May 2, 2011


With so many doctor appointments full of worry and wondering, I am soooo glad that the Lord threw in such a FUN one today!


It is so cute. It has a little joystick that she works with her toes. She is still a bit nervous driving it, and hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet, but I'm sure a few days is all she needs. (: She looks so darling in it. I still can't believe that they make chairs for kiddos this young. I'm excited to decorate it and make it HER! It is a great chair, and it comes apart so we can transport it more easily. (Power chairs are very heavy, as I learned today breaking my back trying to lift it!)

And... it was free of charge. This because of the wonderful people at Shriner's Hospital. We feel so very blessed that she and Xander are both patients there.

For anyone new to this blog, besides missing her arms, Sophi has some unique challenges with her legs. There is a significant discrepancy in length and she is missing her fibula in her right leg. We're praying that someday she will learn to walk, but in the meantime, this wheelchair will give her the independence that she wants. I am so happy for her!

Unfortunately, our home is not built for a wheelchair, so this will be mostly used outdoors. Fortunately, it came at the perfect time-- we are finally getting some good weather for her to practice in!


(Tomorrow I'll try to remember to snap some photos so you can join in on the fun-- in the meantime, here's Sophi after church yesterday.)


  1. Oh, she is so sweet! So glad she got her wheelchair. :)

  2. YAY!!!!!!! I'm so excited for her!!! I miss that grin! :-)

  3. so wonderful!!! has your family ever thought of applying for extreme home makeover? i think of you guys whenever i watch it and i think you would be perfect for it.

  4. Awwww, sweet Sophie! Congrats and thank you Shriners!

  5. HOORAH - just hope it has a speed governer so you can keep up! ;)

    love you guys - aus and co.

  6. mobility..... such a beautiful blessing. God is so good! I was crying yesterday at how different things would be for so many little ones that had been adopted last year internationally if families hadnt stepped forward. I just cant breathe when my heart it so large with emotion.

  7. Your kids always look so darn cute. I can't wait to see pics of her in the chair. How exciting!

  8. That's so awesome!!! Shriner's is the best. Those power chairs ARE heavy! That's one of the reasons we decided to go with a manual chair for Max. So I'm so glad you are able to transfer it easily. Congrats Sophi!

  9. yea!! i had a. . . challenging day yesterday. - but you know what? i realized, i have 2 arms and i can see. The delightful spirit your children possess is truly remarkable and an inspiration to me. Sophi's smile is beautiful! And, today was a great day!

  10. I am so happy for Sophi!!!!! She is so adorable and sweet. How did you ever do without her.... and all the others???


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