Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Half Empty or Half Full

Full: Lexi knows how to wash her hands by herself.
Empty: The faucet in the bathroom is very difficult to turn on and needs to be changed if she is going to be able to wash by herself in that room.
Full: I am fairly confident in my plumbing abilities.
Empty: The new faucet sets us back $50.00 and takes hours longer to install than I thought it would.
Full: I am able to spend some time with Taylor and Parker and help them learn how a compression fitting works.
Empty: Shortly after we finish the sink, I am reading to the children in the living room when suddenly we hear the ocean trying to rush into our home through a 1/2 inch pipe.
Full: The compression fitting failed while we were at home, and not the next day while we were at church.
Empty: It was the hot water fitting, so I was scalded as I turned off the water under the sink.
Full: I had purchased the more expensive, flexible tubing at Home Depot, just in case I couldn't get the cheap tubing to work. Therefore, I was able to re-repair things and get the water running again right away.
Empty: Myself and everything that had been stored under the sink were soaking wet.
Full: I have a sink and stuff under it:)
