Then we let him go a step further and feed them off of his head. He was successful, by the way, even though we didn't catch the big moment on camera:)

At the Butterfly Garden:

At Newport Beach on the Oregon Coast:
Play time during a picnic in the sand:
Flying a kite:
Around the campfire:

My brother Steven:

Always chilly on the Oregon coast!!!
Family friend Lori with Xander

The keeper of the fire-my dad, Allen:

Boys will be boys!

On the drive home we stopped at beautiful Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge:

We stayed overnight in Boise, ID at my cousin's house. (Thanks Spencer and Ilah!!!) While there, we narrowly escaped the clutches of Iron Man and Buzz Stormtrooper. You never know when a pink panda doll will be useful in placating a menacing action figure:)

This is what you get when you let Elli sit near an unguarded bag of starbursts. We noticed something in her mouth. I got to fish out this mess, wrappers and all:)
An so we come to the end of our 2010 Green Family Reunion. It is such a great thing to get together with family. My brothers and sisters are a particularly tight knit group, and it is fun to be able to spend time with them. So Jen, Matt, Ty and Steve (not to mention Mom and Dad): see ya'll real soon!!! And somehow, I think Tiff will be nearby as well.