That being said, we have both felt like it's time to try something new! Our main goal is to make our blog more readable and accessible to people who are coming on for the first time. We have both felt a tremendous responsibility to share our story, particularly of special needs adoption. Many prospective adoptive parents have contacted us about things they have read on our blog and questions they have had. Hopefully that can happen even more often with the easier accessibility. We know that as we first began our adoption journey, we found ourselves full of questions. Many of those questions were answered through the blogs of other adoptive parents. They were extremely helpful to us. Hopefully we can be that help for others who might adopt as well! With that being said, we're humbly asking you to "button up," or in other words, put our button on your blog! Spread the word on Facebook! Whatever it takes-- let's let the world know the beauty of special needs adoption! It's kind of funny for me to be asking this-- believe it or not, I'm a pretty private person. In many ways, I'd rather have a small following. But I KNOW the power of blogs and the power of sharing experiences, and I feel such an urgency to open hearts to these darling children without families. Spreading the word is an easy way to be part of finding them a home!
We'll be working out the kinks of the new blog over the next few days, so be patient. Our new domain name will be, but that's not up yet. You won't need to change the address if you are a follower-- it will automatically reroute you. We'll reward your patience with a very fun surprise as soon as we can. Believe me, you'll want to keep posted! (;