We had anticipated possibly traveling as early as next week, but there has been a glitch in her paperwork (on China's side, not ours) that is holding things up. So... it looks like November will be our month. If life wasn't so full and busy already, I'm sure I would be going out of my mind with anticipation, but as it is, we'll just be grateful for the extra time to get ready!! (Though of course we would be on the next plane out if we could!)
We had a beautiful cake and a dozen pink roses (since she turned 12) delivered to her. I wish I could have seen her face when they arrived...
Our darling Cali Rose, you are loved and cherished! You are such a beautiful daughter of God, and He watches over you always. You are prayed over each day and are already such an important part of our family. You have so many people here who are working and sacrificing to build you a home that will be perfect for you because they too, have been touched by your sweet spirit.
We love, love, love you and can't wait to bring you HOME. Happy Birthday, Tang Min!