Yes, it is 1:45 a.m. right now. Oops. Not sure how that happened... Actually, yes I am! We are crazy busy at this house and the only time we had to put this together was after the kids went to bed. And then there was the debate that distracted us...
Anyway... let me give you a little bit of background on this newest video of ours. (: As you well know, some amazing, selfless, wonderful people approached us a few months ago with an idea. That idea has evolved into the most beautiful service in our behalf. Seriously, I cannot put into words how I feel about these people and each and every person that has donated, shared, or otherwise participated in Puzzle Them Home. We are grateful beyond words.
As we have gone to committee meetings, one of the main themes has been, "If we could just get the word out..." and "If we just had a bigger audience..." We talked about how having someone with a huge following on twitter could make the difference for this project. One of the ladies on the committee suggested we do another video to spread the word. And because we have told them we will do anything they ask, we obliged! (:
(It seems to play best when you click on the YouTube icon and view it over there).
A couple of things... first, pretend not to notice the messes in the background. Second, the kids picked their own celebrities, and they genuinely love them. Sophi's been singing "Baby, baby, baby oh!" since she got off the plane from China! Lexi LOVES Andrea Bocelli and calls him her "blind friend." She claims she's going to meet him someday and sit on his lap! Taylor is obsessed with Jimmer (two of our girls just might have a crush on him as well...), Elli is very taken with the Piano Guys, Xander is infatuated with Ty Pennington, Parker loves Tim Tebow's faith on the field, Jessica loves to put on Taylor Swift concerts for us and Graci's favorite sport to watch is gymnastics.
We would love you forever for sharing this! We believe that if it somehow "goes viral" and reaches some of these people, we might just find that huge audience we are looking for...
As always, thank you, thank you, thank you! It is extremely humbling to be on this end of such an amazing act of service.