Friday, October 25, 2013


I was making lunches this morning and watching Sophi and Xander at the breakfast table.  Sophi was slouched down in a normal chair with her legs propped up on the table.  "Sophi,"  I said.  "You are so lucky!  You are the only one who I will let put their feet on the table!  If Xander put his feet on the table, I would say, 'No Way!'  If Parker put his feet on the table, I would say, 'No Way!'  If Graci put her feet on the table, I would say, 'No Way!'  If Cali put her feet on the table, I would say, 'No Way!'  If Mommy put her feet on the table, I would say, 'No Way!'"  I went through everyone in the family explaining that there was no way anyone else could do that.

In her cute little voice she replied, "That's cuz my feet are so little, huh!"



  1. Cuz her feet are so stinkin cute! She is a totally doll! She is really starting to grow up! Just in the couple months since you have written about her she is starting to look like a big girl and not a baby. Enjoyed your last post. I think you are too good at this writting thing and that is why Christi doesn't write as much along with being very very busy. I noticed Conner's picture is gone from the line-up did they say no to your family adopting him?

  2. Oh my GOSH that little doll! As far as I can tell she's also got the cutest feet in the house too!

  3. Wow, that is a great picture of Sophi! All her determination and fortitude and courage and dignity rolled into one expression.


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