Sunday, April 5, 2015

Not Sure Where She's Headed, But She Sure is Cute!

Field Trip Fun

Last month, Xander invited me to attend his school field trip with him.  I was so excited!  We went to the natural history museum of Utah.  It is a fantastic museum which we would both recommend.  We saw many exhibits, ranging from dinosaurs (Utah had TONS of them) to Native American cultures to predators to how the various land formations came about.  It was a fun activity.  Thanks for the invitation, X-man!

Watch Your Weight!

Christi and I and several of the kids were in the kitchen preparing dinner.  

Me:  "Christi, we could have some Sophi stew tonight."

Sophi:  "NO!  We could have some Daddy stew tonight!"

Parker:  "No thanks, we've already had enough fatty food today."

Hey, now...