For Father's Day, the family got me the game
Pieface. It takes pretty much zero strategy. All you need is the guts to take your turn. We had lots of fun playing:)
You never know which twist of the handle will make you end up with... |
Pie in your face!!! |
The next day I had to go on an overnight work trip down to Cedar City. I stop and make sales calls along the way and then stay in a hotel. The kids love to come on these trips, in spite of the time spent in the car. They patiently wait while I'm in each office, anticipating the payoff of a night in a hotel, dinner at a restaurant, swimming in the pool, and usually a movie. This time I had 5 companions: Taylor, Cali, Xander, Conner and Sophi. We had a great trip. Ate at Chili's. Went swimming. Watched Finding Dory. It makes me happy that my older kids still enjoy hanging out with me:)
Before we left, Christi's parents happened to be at our home and gave each of our kids a little spending money for the trip. Sophi put her money in a small purse she has and was very careful with it. Despite her caution, at one point she couldn't find the purse. She started looking frantically around and asking everyone if they knew where it was. From the driver's seat I asked her what she was looking for. "My money!!!" she replied. She kept up her desperate search. All of the sudden Taylor starts singing the pop song: "It's not about the money, money, money." Sophi cut him off with a scathing: "DUDE! It IS about the money!!!" Fortunately we found her purse soon. At least we know where her priorities are:)
Dinner at Chili's |
Taylor was pretty stoked about his triple appetizer dinner! |