Showing posts with label Camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camping. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Love my girls!

Last Friday night I had the awesome opportunity to go on a daddy-daughter campout.  As the girls get older and I get older I guess Dad gets less exciting to hang out with.  When given the choice of coming with me, only two of the girls decided that was what they wanted to do with their Friday night.  (And let me be perfectly clear: the option was to stay at home.  No big plans for anyone.  Basically a campout with Dad just didn't seem particularly awesome.  I guess I had some foresight when I blogged our campout in 2011.)

But Graci, Sophi and I had a great time!  We returned to Clover Springs for the first time in seven years.  The campground is pretty remote and the stars were absolutely fantastic.  Hot dogs, s'mores, and egg mcmuffins for breakfast made for a great menu.  The first year we went on a daddy-daughter campout we started a funny tradition.  On a pre-camp shopping trip I saw Funky Flames in the camping section at Walmart.  We tried them out, the girls loved the colors, and now they want them every time we go.

Having Taylor leave for school has really driven home the reality that our time with these angels in our household is limited and short.  I am so grateful for opportunities like these that provide the chance to create memories that will help sustain me when more of them are gone.


Sophi loves to pose 😂 

We took a little hike... the springs that give the campground it's name.

Apparently Sophi decided to take some pics before I woke up 😂
Cool pic, Soph!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Silver Lake

Last summer Taylor and Parker decided they wanted to go backpacking with a couple of their friends.  I took their group up to a favorite hike of mine --  Silver Lake in American Fork canyon.  We had a great time, and the boys decided to do it again this year.  So in July, just three short days after we returned from our Alaska Basin trip, we set off again into the wilderness.  (As I was driving home from the Tetons, I was seriously worried about the ability of my legs to recover in time.  Teenagers have no such issues, but as you can see from the videos of me in the water up in Alaska Basin and also on this trip, I am not built like my teenagers!)

Taylor and his friends Cohlton and Brody, Parker and his buddy Austin, had a blast.  The first portion of the hike, up to Silver Lake, isn't too steep.  The payoff is magnificent when you arrive at one of the most beautiful alpine lakes you'll ever come across.  Once at this point we had to jump in:).  

(As I watch this video, a slightly modified Sesame Street song comes to mind "Five of these guys belong together, five of these guys are kind of the same...") 

After Silver Lake, the trail gets super steep for about three fourths of a mile up to Silver Glance Lake, which is where we camped.  The camp spot up there is perfect!

To help get a feel for the steeples of this terrain, look closely for Parker and Austin in the middle of this picture...

Last year this rock was easily accessible.  This year they had to create a bridge with a dead tree to get out there...

I got a new bug net for my hammock:)

Flashlight light sabers!

The next morning we hike up another 1200 feet to the top of Red Baldy, an 11,150 foot peak.  Unbelievable panoramic views!

Taylor found this perfect zen spot last year and made sure to replicate the experience this year.

Mid-July and plenty of snow to sled down:

On the way back down, Taylor wanted to enjoy one last dip in the lake...

I am a lucky dad to have kids who enjoy the outdoors so much.  Great trip!  Love my family and love where we live:)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

More Fun Reunion Stuff

I found some more fun pics and videos from our Green Family Reunion on Christi's phone.  Yay!

Lovely Lexi Li:

He makes pink shorts look so good!
Christi and me on another visit to Thanksgiving Point.  It really is one of our very favorite places in the world!

Beauty and the Beast

On the trail to Timp Caves:

Still soundly asleep:)

And of course, every family needs an evil sister around the campfire.  I love the juxtaposition of her haunted persona with her cute giggle ;)


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Xander's First Overnight Backpacking Trip

A couple of weeks ago I had the fantastic opportunity to go with Xander's scout troop on an overnight hiking trip.  This was Xander's first backpacking campout, so we kept his pack relatively light at 22 pounds.  We went to Fifth Water Hot Springs in Diamond Fork Canyon.  The hike itself was beautiful.  We went in about 3 miles with an elevation gain of about 800 feet, so not too steep.  Once we set up camp, we enjoyed soaking in the natural spring water.  It was a bit slimy, but lots of fun!  Xander did very well and is excited to try some more aggressive trips with Dad and his older brothers later this summer.  I love the outdoors!

Learning from the scoutmaster.

That's my hammock:)

I wish it could capture the beauty of the falls.

I love the snow capped mountains peeking out in the background!